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Allmax + PharmaFreak Blowout - Free Shipping on Orders > $99
Allmax + PharmaFreak Blowout - Free Shipping on Orders > $99
Underwater shot of athlete swimming in a pool.

Supplements for Swimmers

Swimming is a fantastic sport that demands high levels of strength and endurance, and it’s important to ensure that you’re nourishing your body with everything it needs to perform during high-intensity training sessions.

We’ll discuss the best supplements for swimmers to keep you in tip-top shape for your next competition and share our top picks for swimmers.

Benefits of Supplements for Swimmers

Performance is everything as an athlete, and you need to treat your body like a well-oiled machine. Diet and exercise are important, but don’t overlook the potential benefits of supplements. Supplements have been shown to enhance performance, improve recovery, aid in muscle development, and—crucially—increase your endurance, which is paramount for swimmers in particular.

Types of Supplements for Swimmers

  • Whey protein - An excellent source of amino acids, whey protein supports muscle growth and aids in repair, allowing you to recover more quickly from those tough workouts. If you’re sensitive to dairy, pea- and soy-based proteins are great alternatives.
  • Electrolyte powder - Electrolytes are essential to muscle and nerve function, and they are lost through sweat during vigorous exercise. Electrolyte powder is an efficient way to replace these crucial nutrients.
  • Creatine - A classic supplement for a reason, creatine has been used by top athletes for years for its energy-boosting properties, allowing you to work out harder for longer.
  • Multivitamins - Vitamins are vital to maintaining a healthy body, and multivitamins are a great way to get a dose of everything you need in just one supplement.
  • Zinc - A mineral that’s important for muscle repair, zinc is a good addition to any swimmer’s supplement regime, particularly if you don’t consume many animal products (which are the main dietary sources of zinc).

Recommended Supplements for Swimmers

  • Allmax IsoFlex - A superior whey protein powder that’s trusted by professionals, Allmax IsoFlex contains everything you need—100% whey protein isolate—and nothing that you don’t (fat, sugar, gluten). It comes in eight tasty flavours for a product that’s as delicious as it is nourishing.
  • Prairie Naturals ELECTROLYTE FUEL - This all-natural lemon and aloe drink replenishes electrolytes fast, hydrating and energizing you after those tough training sessions. It’s also vegan and sugar-free.
  • Creatine - Our own ultra-pure creatine monohydrate is pharmaceutical grade and micronized for ease of use. Each jar contains 200 servings, offering great value for this clinically proven supplement.
  • Animal Pak - Fill nutritional gaps and help your other supplements work better with Animal Pak, which has been trusted by bodybuilders and professional athletes for over 35 years.
  • Tested Nutrition ZMA - For a healthy dose of zinc and magnesium, choose Tested Nutrition ZMA, which promotes recovery between training sessions. This premium blend also contains the added benefit of vitamin B-6.

Maximize Your Performance at

In and out of the pool, you need to keep your body in optimal condition, and often, healthy habits simply aren’t enough. Supplements provide you with that extra boost you need for peak performance, and at, we carry everything you need to keep on swimming. Browse our selection of over 2000 products and experience the difference that the right supplements can make in your routine!

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