7 On the Go Diet Tips to Help You Stay on Track
If you’re reading this article on Supplement Source, then you very likely know the importance of nutrition when it comes to pursuing personal fitness success. In a perfect world, we can have the groceries delivered and stay at home until we meet our goals. For the vast majority of us, this isn’t the case. Traveling is a part of work and life for many people, but that shouldn’t keep you from staying on point while pursuing a goal. These diet tips and tricks can go a long way in avoiding frustration and keeping that momentum moving in your favor.
1. Stock Up on Tupperware
It wasn’t that long ago that we had to buy basic Tupperware containers and carry around a big bag to hold them in. Now, many brands and companies have specific meal-plan containers that are made of either plastic or glass, and they even have separate places for different items in your meal. If you have traveling plans, make sure you pick up a few containers so you have them ready to go when you need to prepare for a trip. If you can use the glass containers, that would be best, but plastic containers will definitely work as well.
2. Prep Meals in Advance
Whenever you’re cooking a dinner at home for the evening, go ahead and throw a few extra servings in so you can prepare future meals for later in the week or while you’re on the road. Having these on standby at the airport or in the car will help you avoid the more convenient but less healthy options at the restaurants around you. Those fast-food joints can be tempting when you get hungry, but the taste of that food won’t last as long as the taste of success from getting better.
3. Use a Meal Prep Service
If you don’t like cooking or doubt your abilities, then you can order food from meal preparation services in your area. New companies in this field are popping up on a weekly basis, but keep in mind that this may be more expensive than buying the food and preparing it yourself. However, if either time is an issue for you, or you’d rather have it done for you, this can be a very valuable asset to have. You can either have the food sent to your house before you leave or sent to the hotel you’re staying at so you don’t have to travel with the food.
4. Book at Hotels with Fridges and Microwaves
When you book a room for a trip, ask the person you’re talking to if rooms come with refrigerators and microwaves. Having these in the room can make life a lot easier when you’re trying to stick to a schedule. If they don’t have those options in the room, see if there is at least a microwave in the lobby you can use. You can always keep food in a cooler if nothing else. If there is no fridge or microwave access, then find a different hotel.
5. Keep Shakes and Bars Close By
There is a reason that protein shakes will always be among the most popular supplements in the industry. They are convenient and taste much better than they did in previous years. You can throw the powder in a cup, mix it with water, and boom, you have your protein. You can keep a jug of whey isolate in your car along with a shaker cup and be good to go. There are also protein bars, which are even easier to have, but some may have additional sugar or sugar alcohol, which may affect fat loss goals. If you’re either looking to add size or want a quick option for a post-workout snack, then these can serve you well. If fat loss is the goal, then you may want to stick to the shakes. There are also Ready-to-Drink options that you can get from gas stations or convenient stores while you’re on the road.
6. Have Pre-Planned Gas Station and Restaurant Options
Speaking of gas stations, be aware of the places you will have access to while you’re on the road. If there is a certain chain of gas stations that have microwaves, or if you know you will pass a rest stop that has them, then this can save you time and money stopping at a restaurant. Besides the money you save, you’ll be less likely to get sick from eating food from someplace that you’re not familiar with. Even with all of these measures in place, sometimes you’re left with no other option than to go to a restaurant. If you know that you’ll be eating in one or if you have preferred places to go, search their menu and find the healthiest options possible. Screenshot or take a picture of the menu on your phone so you know what you’re ordering. It’s not the most optimal option, but it beats giving in and eating something you shouldn’t.
7. Eat Before Traveling
This last tip is more mental than anything else. Make sure you eat a healthy meal before you leave. This is that one last opportunity to commit yourself to the process and have quality calories before you go. Furthermore, this can also help you satisfy your appetite before you get surrounded by the easier and maybe tastier options. You’ll be less likely to stop for food if you’re not hungry, and you will remind yourself that you can still pursue your goals while you’re away from home. Setting the tone with this last home-cooked meal can go a long way in boosting your confidence as well as dedication to your pursuit of better self.
Dieting for a lean physique isn't easy. Getting the body you desire takes discipline and consistency but it can be done. Your journey will be much easier if you add the diet tips listed above into your program. These strategies are tried and true and are sure to help you stay on track and achieve the body that turns heads and boosts social media standing.
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